One WI to rule them all

Load balancing gets easier... With Roxy-WI!

About Roxy-WI

For those who need a convenient interface for managing all services in one place.
Any technician can do it
Roxy-WI was created for people who want to have a fault-tolerant infrastructure, but do not want to plunge deep into the details of setting up and creating a cluster based on HAProxy, NGINX, Apache and Keepalived.
Rapid Deployment of Infrastructure
Use Roxy-WI to build a high available cluster for a couple of clicks: install HAProxy, NGINX, Apache, Keepalived, its exporters and carry out the initial configuration for the services.
One tool for web infrastructure
Monitoring is easy! Collect download statistics in one place. Choose one of the three available monitoring options or use them all. If there are any problems, you will be informed immediately.
Forget the console
Did you make a mistake in the configuration, but forgot what exactly you changed? Don't you understand the relationship between the backend and the interface? No problem! Roxy-WI will help you.

What you can do with Roxy-WI:

Install services or add the existing ones
  • Create HA cluster for HAProxy, NGINX and Apache
  • Add your own services or install new ones
  • Install Grafana and Prometheus services
  • Install Prometheus exporters for HAProxy, NGINX, Apache, Keepalived, Node
  • Download and convert GeoIP to the acceptable format for HAProxy and Nginx
  • Update HAProxy and NGINX
Visualize and monitor
Spend less time on configuration
  • Create proxy sections for HAProxy via configuration wizard
  • Edit configs via Roxy-WI in one place
  • Keep, restore and backup configs versions
  • Dynamically change maxconn, black/white lists, add, edit and delete the backend's IP address and port
  • Make the most of HAProxy RuntimeAPI via Roxy-WI panel
Secure your infrastructure
  • Add and manage WAF for HAProxy via Roxy-WI
  • Create master and slave servers and keep the configs synced
  • Manage SSL certificates and Let's Encrypt
  • Access Roxy-WI by roles
  • Quickly configure Web acceleration and Web cache features via Roxy-WI
  • Create ACL via Roxy-WI
  • Manage HAProxy stick-tables and sessions via Roxy-WI
See full features list


Check out the functionality and interface of Roxy-WI
Roxy-WI Overview
HAProxy Overview
HAProxy Metrics
Roxy-WI viewstat
Nginx status page
Roxy-WI add proxy
Roxy-WI workflow for HAProxy
Work with stick tables
Managing black and white lists
Managing sessions
WAF overview
Managing WAF rules
Servers page
SMON Dashboard