Update guide


If you installed Roxy-WI using RPM or DEB, run the following command:
If your Roxy-WI server uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, add the proxy settings to the yum.conf file:
Before updating Roxy-Wi via Web Interface, add the Apache user to the sudoers file:
Add permissions for the Apache user:
If your Roxy-WI server uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, add the proxy settings to yum.conf:
All information concerning RPM packages can be found here .
Due to the new version of Python, there is a conflict between two packages: the newer package python36-mod_wsgi conflicts with the older python35u-mod_wsgi. To update to version 4.2.3, you should first remove the old package:
Once you have removed the old package, you can proceed with the update either manually or through Roxy-WI:
You can only update from version 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 manually.
You must be logged into Roxy-WI to perform any actions, or you must have an admin user in the All group.
First, update Roxy-WI by running the following command:
This action will reset the settings to their default values.
You should also re-create all your groups. If you re-create the groups in the same order as they were originally created, it will not affect your users or servers.
With our project rebranding to Roxy-WI, the packages will also be renamed.
First, delete the old repository: haproxy-wi-release-7.
Then, install a new repository:
You will need to remove all installed services:
and reinstall them using the new names:
In the next step, install the new Roxy-WI packages and rename the database and configuration file. If you are using RPM installation, run the following commands:
If you are not using RPM, simply skip the step with yum.
In version 5.5.0, the processes for sending notifications and alerts have been significantly enhanced. All notifications are now sent to users through a new service called Socket, which utilizes RabbitMQ as a message broker. All services publish notifications to RabbitMQ, and the Socket service retrieves them to send to users. To update to version 5.5.0, you need to install RabbitMQ and the Socket service. After that, update all previously installed services and add the following lines to the Apache configuration file:
Once you have updated to version 5.5.0, all services will utilize the new logging system based on Rsyslog.
Starting with version 6.0, Roxy-WI displays information about subscriptions. To ensure proper functionality, you must log out and then log back in after the update. This will allow Roxy-WI to refresh its internal information.
The group All has been renamed to Default. You may need to update your scripts accordingly
Starting with version 6.1.1, Roxy-WI stores keys, lists, configurations, and its SQLite database in a new folder: /var/lib/roxy-wi. This change enhances security and simplifies the process of updating the Docker container.
Additionally, the Roxy-WI configuration file (roxy-wi.cfg) has been moved to the /etc/roxy-wi folder.
To move all the necessary folders to their new location, follow these steps:
If you get errors after the update, check the default configuration and add any missing parameters.
Starting with version 6.2.0, Roxy-WI log files have been moved to the /var/log/roxy-wi folder. You will need to make some manual changes to continue using Roxy-WI.
First, run the following commands to move your log files:
Then, update your roxy-wi.cfg file according to the exemple:
Starting with version 7.0.0, Roxy-WI has begun using Flask. If you installed the packages, please delete the following Roxy-WI tools via the terminal:
  • roxy-wi-metrics
  • roxy-wi-checker
  • roxy-wi-smon
  • roxy-wi-keep_alive
  • roxy-wi-socket
  • roxy-wi-portscanner
  • roxy-wi-prometheus-exporter
Then, update Roxy-WI and reinstall the tools.

Also check the configuration file at /etc/roxy-wi/roxy-wi.cfg:

Also, check the Apache2 (httpd) configuration. It should look like this (example for EL):
Starting with version 7.1.0, Roxy-WI has introduced a new approach to working with HA clusters. If you are using Keepalived and wish to manage it through Roxy-WI, please follow these steps:
  • Open the Admin area => Servers page and select No slave in the Slave for dropdown.
  • Open the HA cluster page.
  • Click Create high availability cluster.
  • Create a new HA cluster according to your configuration.
  • Click Save.
  • Add an additional VIP if necessary.
  • Add an extra virtual server if needed.
  • If you would like to reconfigure your cluster according to HA cluster settings, click Edit on the cluster you wish to reconfigure. In the opened window, click Next, and then Apply.
Starting with version, Roxy-WI encrypts SSH passwords and passphrases. As a result, these values must be encrypted since the Roxy-WI configuration now includes a salt. Please add the following parameter to your configuration:
Use the following command to generate the salt:
Reload your Apache server. If you have used passwords for SSH access, please re-enter the passwords, as Roxy-WI will encrypt them.
Starting with version 8, Roxy-WI uses the latest versions of Python 3. Therefore, you must update Python 3 before updating Roxy-WI.
For EL, it must be Python 3.11:
                                rpm -e --nodeps python3-mod_wsgi ansible-collection-community-general ansible ansible-core
                                yum install python3.11-mod_wsgi
For Ubuntu, Python 3 must be at least version 3.9.
After updating Roxy-WI, you need to create keys for JWT tokens:
                                ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m pem -f /var/lib/roxy-wi/keys/roxy-wi-key -C "Roxy-WI JWT KEY. DO NOT DELETE IT!" -P ""
                                For EL:
                                chown apache:apache /var/lib/roxy-wi/keys/* -R
                                systemctl reload httpd
                                For Ubuntu:
                                chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/roxy-wi/keys/* -R
                                systemctl reload apache2
If you encounter an internal error or cannot log in, download the update file to /var/www/haproxy-wi/app and run it:
                                cd /var/www/haproxy-wi/app
                                For EL:
                                python3.11 update_db_to_v8.py
                                systemctl reload httpd
                                For Ubuntu:
                                python3 update_db_to_v8.py
                                systemctl reload apache2
Starting with version 8.1.4, Roxy-WI starts to keep SSH keys in the DB. You have to upload again your keys.