Here on this page you can find some information about resolving known errors. But don’t hesitate to create a new issue on GitHub if you need any help.
Roxy-WI is constantly developing. Therefore, bugs may occur. You are very welcome to report a bug on GitHub!
If you encounter an error, you should refer to the logs first. All logs are stored in the Admin area-Internal logs section.
Check logs of the service in which the error has been detected (*Service name*-Logs in the left panel). For detailed information, refer to the logs of Roxy-WI and to the error log as well.
If you cannot start a service and find no corresponding messages in the logs, try to check its state first:
                                systemctl status roxy-wi-service_name
For more information you may also refer to the system logs: /var/logs/message (in CentOS) and /var/log/syslog (in Ubuntu).

If referring to the logs does not help, try to run the service manually:

                                cd /var/www/haproxy-wi/app ./
If any errors occur when updating Roxy-WI via the web interface, try to update it via the command line:
                                For YUM:
                                yum clean all
                                yum update roxy-wi
                                For APT:
                                apt-get clean
                                apt-get update
                                apt-get install roxy-wi
If you see the Internal server error when launching Roxy-WI for the first time, open Apache error log, most likely some modules are missing. If so, install requirements fromGitHub
In the course of installation of Roxy-WI you may encounter the following error:
                                Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'roxy-wi':
                                - Status code: 404 for https://login:[email protected]/$ostype8/repodata/repomd.xml (IP:
                                Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'roxy-wi': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried
In order to resolve this problem, open the /etc/yum.repo.d/roxy-wi.repo file and replace $ostype with el in the line, which begins with $baseurl.