Metrics service description

Roxy-WI Overview

The Metrics service consists of five parts:

The Master metrics runs the Worker metrics when a metrics collection is enabled.

Metrics collection
You may enable or disable a metrics collection for HAProxy, NGINX and Apache servers in their Overview section. Just tick/untick Metrics box.

Master runs a worker for each service: one for HAProxy service, one for WAF. The Master metrics should always be running.

When you enable the collecting of HAProxy service metrics the Master metrics will start local workers for each HAProxy service. The Metrics worker verifies the status of HAProxy on port 1999 remotely (port 1999 set up by default). If you installed HAProxy manually, read here how to configure it.

Roxy-WI Metrics

The metrics service for HAProxy collects the following metrics:

The metrics service for WAF collects metrics of one type only:

Since v5.2.4.0 Roxy-WI allows collecting the following metrics for NGINX and Apache:


Execute the following command to install Metrics:

All information concerning RPM packages can be found here.

Both the Master metrics and Worker metrics have their own log in Admin area-Internal logs.

Internal logs

All further information concerning the Internal logs can be found here.