Auto start service description

The Auto start service allows restarting the HAProxy, NGINX, Apache, Keepalived services if they are down. Whether any of them is killed by OOM Killer or stopped because of an error - the Auto start service will try to restart them.

If you installed HAProxy manually, read here how to configure it. All information concerning configuring Roxy-WI for your custom page can be found in this article.

Auto start uses the NGINX Stats page in order to verify the status of NGINX. If you installed NGINX manually, read here how to configure it. All information concerning configuring Roxy-WI for your custom NGINX Stats page can be found in this article.


Execute the following command to install Auto start:

All information concerning RPM can be found here.

HAProxy Overview

The Auto start service has its own log in Admin area-Internal logs.

Internal logs

All further information concerning the Internal logs can be found here