Update guide


If you installed Roxy-WI via RPM or DEB, execute the following command:
If your Roxy-WI server uses proxy to connect to the Internet, add the proxy settings to yum.conf:
Before updating via Web Interface you have to add the apache user tu sudoers:
Add permission for the apache user:
If your Roxy-WI server uses proxy to connect to the Internet, add the proxy settings to yum.conf:
All information concerning RPM packages can be found here .
Because of the new version of Python there is aconflict between two packages: the newer package python36-mod_wsgi conflicts with the older python35u-mod_wsgi. For updating to version 4.2.3 you should delete the old package first:
Once you have deleted the old package, you can start updating either manually or via Roxy-WI:
You can update from version 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 only manually.
You must be logged in to Roxy-WI before performing all actions or have the admin user in the group "All"
First of all update Roxy-WI, execute the following command:
This action will drop settings to the default.
Also you should re-create all your groups. If you re-create the groups in the same order in which they were created, it will not affect your users and servers.
As our project has rebranded and has been renamed to Roxy-WI, the packages will also be renamed.
Delete old repository: haproxy-wi-release-7
Install a new repository:
You will have to remove all the installed services:
and reinstall them under the new names:
At the next step install the new Roxy-WI packages and renaming the database and the configuration file. If you use RPM installation, perform the following commands:
If you do not use RPM, just skip the step with yum.
In version 5.5.0 the procedures of sending notifications and alerts have been significantly improved. All notifications are sent to users by the new service named Socket. The Socket service uses RabbitMQ as a message broker. All services put notifications to RabbitMQ. the Socket service retrieves them and sends to users, To update to 5.5.0 version, you need to install RabbitMQ and the Socket service. After that update all the previously installed services and add the following lines to Apache config file:
Once you have updated to version 5.5.0, all services will use the new logging system based on Rsyslog.
Since 6.0 Roxy-WI starts to display information about subscription. For correct work you have to logout and login after updating. This will allow Roxy-WI to update its inside information.
The group "All" has also been renamed to the "Default". You may need to update your scripts.
Since 6.1.1 version Roxy-WI starts storing keys, lists, configs and its Sqlite database in a new folder: /var/lib/roxy-wi. This is done for several reasons: it provides more security, and it is also more convenient to update the Docker container.
Also, Roxy-WI(roxy-wi.cfg) config file has been moved to the /etc/roxy-wi folder.
To move all the necessary folders to a new location, you need to follow these steps:
If you get errors after update, look at default config and add missing parameters.
Since 6.2.0 Roxy-WI log files have been moved to the /var/log/roxy-wi folder. You should do some changes manually to continue using Roxy-WI.
1. Perform the following commands to move your log files:
2. Update your roxy-wi.cfg file according to the exemple:
Since 7.0.0, Roxy-WI has started using Flask. If you use packages installation, delete Roxy-WI tools via terminal:
  • roxy-wi-metrics
  • roxy-wi-checker
  • roxy-wi-smon
  • roxy-wi-keep_alive
  • roxy-wi-socket
  • roxy-wi-portscanner
  • roxy-wi-prometheus-exporter
Update Roxy-WI. After update install Tools back.

Also check config /etc/roxy-wi/roxy-wi.cfg:

And Apache2 (httpd) config. It should be like (an example for EL):
Starting with version 7.1.0, Roxy-WI began working with HA clusters in a new way. If you are using Keepalived and want to manage it via Roxy-WI, you should follow these steps:
  • Open the Servers page, select the "No slave" in the "Slave for"
  • Open the HA cluster page
  • Press the "Create HA cluster"
  • Create a new HA cluster according to your configuration
  • Press the "Save" button
  • Add an extra VIP if any
  • Add an extra Virtual server if any
  • If you would like reconfigure your cluster according HA cluster settings pres "Edit" button on a cluster what you want to reconfigure, in opened window press the "Next button and press the "Apply" button.
Since version Roxy-WI starts crypt SSH passwords and passphrases. So, it were crypted for using it must be encrypted, because of it Roxy-WI config has a salt now. Add a new parameter to your config:
How to generate the salt:
Reload you Apache server. If you have used passwords for SSH access, please, reenter passwords, due to Roxy-WI crypt it.