Socket service description

Socket is a service for sending alerts and notifications. It works with Apache and RabbitMQ. The Socket service listens on localhost port 8675. When you connect to Roxy-WI using your web browser, the web browser itself connects to Apache via the websocket. Then Apache proxies the requests from the websocket to the Socket service. Once the connection with the web browser has been established, the Socket service sends notifications from other services.

Other services use RabbitMQ as a buffer, transferring all notification to it. Then the Socket service retrieves notifications and sends them. Such approach allows to deliver messages faster and to reduce the load on servers.

The Socket service is included in Roxy-WI repositories and can be installed using your package manager:

After the installation, you should create a user for RabbitMQ:

Then go to Admin area-Settings and fill in the name and the password fields for this user. If you have installed RabbitMQ locally and use it together with the web interface, all other settings do not need to be changed.

RabbitMQ settings