
How to setup servers, group and SSH credentials

Note. You need to enable the NOPASSWD sudo option for SSH users
Note. Do not use special characters in a password
Note. If you are using CentOS Stream 9, generate the SSH key ecdsa instead of rsa.

First of all you need to create a local user on your HAProxy services. In this manual we will call it "proxyadmin". Select the authentication method for your user. You can either generate an SSH key or set the password. If you selectl SSH, upload the SSH key locally, use the following command: ssh-copyid

After you have created the user, go to the Roxy-WI "Admin area" and create a new group:


This step is not necessary; however, groups make managing servers easier.

After you have created a group it is preferable to create a new Roxy-WI user. Go to the "Users" tab in the "Admin area" and press the "Add" button. You will see the following form:


Then you need to create a remote user. Go to the "SSH credentials" tab and create a new user:


You can select which auth method Roxy-WI will use: SSH key or password. It depends on what you have already done in the very beginning. If you have selected authentication via SSH, upload the private key generated at the first step:


There may be a problem with the RSA key on Ubuntu 21.xx and Centos Stream 9. Therefore, generate an ECDSA key.

The final step is adding a new server, Go the "Servers" tab in the "Admin area" and press the "Add" button. You will see:


Press the "Add" button, and yor server will be added.

Also you can check the connection between the Roxy-WI server and the HAProxy server by pressing "Check" button

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