The HAProxy Stat is a great and powerful instrument. It provides gives you the following opportunities:

Please note that all metrics are labelled with abbreviated names and prefixes.

On the HAProxy Stat page you also can manage frontends and backends.


Roxy-WI provides a more convenient and user-friendly interface than HAProxy Stats pages and collects everything in one place. You can temporarily disable/enable backends servers, switch them to maintenance or ready mode and filter the sections by the status.

This option allows temporarily disabling backend servers and switch them to the maintenance mode:

Select the servers and in select the action to perform in the Select menu as it is shown on the picture:


Press the "Apply" button and reload the page:

Note: These changes are temporary and will be rolled back after the reload. To make persistent changes use the Runtime API for this purpose.

Also, Roxy-WI allows to filter frontends and backends by the status. If you do not want the backends with servers in the maintenance status to be displayed, just remove a checkbox as it is shown in the picture below, and they will be excluded from the output>
