How to dynamically change IPs and ports

Roxy-WI allows you to change the IP addresses and ports for backend servers on the fly, without the need to reload or restart the HAProxy service. Simply select a server, enter the new IP address and port, and click Enter. The detailed guide is outlined below.

This function is only available if the HAProxy service has been installed through Roxy-WI or configured with the appropriate settings. You can find all relevant information regarding these settings here.

To edit the IP address and port:

1. Go to the HAProxy => Runtime API => Servers page.

2. In the Change IP and port backend servers section, choose the server for which you want to modify the settings.

3. Select a backend.

4. Select a server within the backend.

5. Roxy-WI will display the current running settings for this server, allowing you to make changes. Enter the new IP address and port.

6. Click Change.

How to dynamically change IPs and ports
Changes will take effect immediately and will be saved in the configuration file. It means that after restarting HAProxy service they will not be lost.